Winter Tree Protection Solutions

The winter season is a time of year when you want to protect your trees as much as you can, calling in a company that specializes in cutting branches or using materials to provide protection that is needed until spring. The sun in the winter along with the colder temperatures can cause a loss of foliage. When you first plant your tree, find a space in the yard that offers maximum sunshine.

During the winter tree protection process, you won’t have to worry as much about how much light the tree is getting, concentrating more on the areas of the tree that might be damaged. Winter shrub protection-2 is also important. Cover your shrubs when temperatures are expected to be below freezing. Spread mulch around the base of the tree to help keep the roots as warm as possible in the winter. You can prevent pests from eating the bark of the tree in the winter by putting metal mesh around the lower portion.

Schedule An Appointment With Us Today for Winter Tree Protection Solutions

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