Tree Topping (Part 2)
During the pruning process arborists will use methods that are proven to fall in line with a tree’s methods of regrowth. In other words, pruning works because the tree knows how to handle those kinds of wounds. However, in topping the wounds pose a far greater risk and will almost certainly lead to catastrophic results for the tree’s long term health. In pruning’s case a tree knows how to grow over its wounds, but most trees cannot handle the critical cuts made by topping. In many cases tree, topping leads to an overabundance of sunlight being absorbed by the crown remaining. This means that it’s entirely possible for the sun to actually burn the branches, trunk, and leaves.
This often results in cankers, cracks, splitting, and fatality of some limbs. After a tree is topped, it begins an emergency process to regrow its limbs in order to obtain its food source again. This is extremely dangerous because the new branches that grow will not be stable. These unstable branches will often grow out of the surface layer of the master branch. This means they have very little support, or stability and can break very easily. Topping creates multiple openings for injury to the tree and those near it.